Apartments in the centre / Prijetni apartmaji v središču Ljubljana

Karlovška cesta, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
260€ /mesec


  • , sesalec, mikrovalovka
  • , vrt,
  • Internet
  • Opremljeno, hladilnik, štedilnik, pralni stroj
  • Parking
  • sesalec
  • WiFi


V stanovanjski hiši z velikim vrtom pod Gradom in ob Ljubljanici sta na voljo dve stanovanji (eno za tri in drugo za štiri študente). Stanovanji sta popolnoma opremljeni in najemnina vključuje stroške. Stanovanje za tri osebe je 300eur na osebo in stanpvanje za 4 študente je 260eur na osebo.
In charming house with a big garden just under the Castle and next to the river Ljubljanica we have available two apartments – one for 4 students and the other for 3 students. The apartments are fully equipped. The rent is including the expences – apartment for 4 students is 260eur per person and the apartment for 3 students is 300eur per person.

  • ID: 9092
  • Število ogledov 10007