Enoposteljna soba na elitni lokaciji Tomšičevega drevoreda ob mestnem parku; One-bed rooms in elite location by city park

Tomšičeva ulica, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


  • Kuhinja, pralni stroj, parkirišče, balkon, dodatna shramba.
  • Opremljeno
  • Opremljeno, hladilnik, štedilnik, pralni stroj
  • Parking
  • pečica
  • postelja, miza, stol, omare in internet


Comfortable and thoughtfully furnished one-person rooms (feng shui arhitecture) in the town villa with a wonderful view of a chestnut avenue ((Tomšicev drevored) with Pohorje in the background. The rooms are located in the centre of Maribor, in an elite, quiet, green area, next to the city park. Fast internet. Close to EPF, PF, and TF (Universities).We have two new bathrooms. Costs are low, lower then in other flats because we do not need state agency to look over our house (house is not so big. Costs totally depends from use of the students. More pictures in facebook link: Studentske sobe; rooms for students
Obnovljene, komfortne in lepo urejene enoposteljne sobe na v stari meščanski vili na mirni in elitni lokaciji ob parku (Tomšicev drevored). Hitri internet za vsakega podnajemnika. Bližina EPF, PF in TF. V stanovanju sta dve novi kopalnici. Stroški so nizki, ker ni upravljalca in so odvisno samo od porabe študentov. Več informacij na facebooku pod Studentske sobe; rooms for students

  • ID: 12862
  • Število ogledov 5454