Tomšičeva ulica 37, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


  • , pralni stroj, internet,
  • Balkon
  • internet, sesalec..
  • Kuhinja, pralni stroj, parkirišče, balkon, dodatna shramba.
  • Opremljeno


Obnovljena, komfortna in lepo urejena enoposteljna soba z balkonom v centru Maribora, na mirni, zeleni, elitni lokaciji s pogledom na Tomšicev drevored, ki vodi neposredno v park. Sobe so barvno opremljene po feng-shuju Stara meščanska vila ima dve nadstrandardni kopalnici in visoke strope. Hitri internet in CTV za vsakega podnajemnika. Bližina EPF, PF in TF. Stroški so nizki, gibajo se med 30 evrov (poleti) in 60 evrov (pozimi). Več fotorafij na povezavi facebooka: Študentske sobe; Rooms for students.
Renew, comfortable and thoughtfully furnished one-person room with the balcony (feng shui arhitecture) in the town villa with a wonderful view of a chestnut avenue ((Tomšicev drevored) with Pohorje in the background. The flat is located in the centre of Maribor, in an elite, quiet, green area, next to the city park. The house is an urban villa with a garden. Lovely few minutes walk through the promenade and park will take you into the city center. Pohorje is in the front, and Piramida, also Maribor’s iconic hill, is just behind the house; on top you can enjoy the sunset overlooking Maribor and Pohorje (and vineyards all around you). The flat has two new bathrooms.
Fast internet and CTV. Close to EPF, PF, and TF (Universities). The costs are low; between 35 and 65 EUR, depending from the heating season.​
More photos on facebook link: Študentske sobe; rooms for students. 

  • ID: 12142
  • Število ogledov 5625