Enoposteljne sobe na elitni zeleni lokaciji Tomšičevega drevoreda v centru Maribora

Tomšičeva ulica, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


  • , centralno ogrevanje, topla voda
  • , hladilnik, štedilnik
  • , pomivalni stroj
  • Komplet opremljeno, internet, wi-fi
  • Opremljeno, hladilnik, štedilnik, pralni stroj
  • pečica


Comfortable and thoughtfully furnished one-person room (feng shui arhitecture) in the town villa with a wonderful view of a chestnut avenue ((Tomšicev drevored) with Pohorje in the background. The room is located in the centre of Maribor, in an elite, quiet, green area, next to the city park. Fast internet and CTV. Close to EPF, PF, and TF (Universities).The flat has two bathrooms with toiletsand high sillies.. More inf. and photos in facebook on link: Študentske sobe, rooms for students.
Costs are low.
Obnovljene, komfortne in lepo urejene enoposteljne sobe na mirni in elitni lokaciji (Tomšicev drevored). Hitri internet in CTV. Bližina EPF, PF in TF. Več fotografij in videi na facebooku na povezavi: Študentske sobe, rooms for students

  • ID: 14207
  • Število ogledov 5268