Garsonjera na elitni lokaciji v Tomšičevem drevoredu

Tomšičeva ulica 37, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


  • , centralno ogrevanje, topla voda
  • , hladilnik, štedilnik
  • , posoda,
  • , pralni stroj, internet,
  • Opremljeno, hladilnik, štedilnik, pralni stroj


V celoti opremljena garsonjera za eno ali dve osebi na vrhu malomeščanske vile v Tomšičevem kostanjevem drevoredu s pogledom na Pohorje in Piramido. Garsonjera se nahaja v centru Maribora, v elitni, mirni in zeleni soseski, tik ob parku. Hitri internet and CTV. Bližina EPF, PF, and TF. Več fotografij se nahaja v albumu Garsonjera na facebook strani pod Študentske sobe, rooms for students.
Fully equipped studio apartment for one or two persons on top of a town villa with a wonderful view of a chestnut avenue with Pohorje in the background. The studio is located in the centre of Maribor, in an elite, quiet, green area, next to the city park. Fast internet and CTV. Close to EPF, PF, and TF (Universities).
Our appartment for two persons is located in the wild chesnut alley. The house is an urban villa with a garden. Lovely few minutes walk through the promenade and park will take you into the city center. Pohorje is in the front, and Piramida, also Maribor’s iconic hill, is just behind the house; on top of it you can find a nice open air wine bar and enjoy the sunset overlooking Maribor and Pohorje (and vineyards all around you).

  • ID: 11276
  • Število ogledov 5544